Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2011

"don't make a tattoo."

The 100 Monkeys concert in Cologne, Germany ...

... "the place was packed and electric"   (Jerad Anderson)
... LUXOR - doors open at 8pm - start at 9pm
... they learned the words "100 affen" (=100 monkeys) and "scheiße" (=shit)
... I got Jackson's autograph on my arm

  (quotation Jackson s.o.)

   +  I was hysterical OMG!!!

Dienstag, 15. November 2011

The most beautiful ...

... moments are those, you cannot hold. Not even in a photo.

- Jenny Vieregge -

Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011


First time me and my friend tried to bake cupcakes!
They were phenomenal delicious.
If you got any recipes  ...?!

Freitag, 15. Juli 2011


Thats what I would say if a good fairy asked me to undo a mistake I made in my life.
I sorely repend what I've said and wrote a few persons.
Of course, there are old and wise folks, who said that they don't regret anything in their life and that mistakes
and strokes of fate build a character to their life.
But there are these little, inconspicuous things you do, that you don't learn from.
And at the moment you realize that it was wrong, you are f****** scared of imperceptible doing it again.

Montag, 11. Juli 2011

This is how my bike kinda looks like:

(but this is not mine - mine is just as damaged as this)

"But you could have worn a helmet"

Maybe. Just MAYBE you could open your eyes while driving a car!
My bike has got a write-off.
It's a wonder that I've just got some scars and bruises.

Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011

¡Hola chicas!

We had such an awesome time in Barcelona.
I was there on a study tour.
Let's just say I get to know some new people, e.g. the "firedragon".
The time went by so fast that it seemed like one day, even though it was one week.
I miss it and I'll come back in any case.
My personal tip is the Rambla de Catalunya at night.
There are a lot of street artists and stuff.
We saw some very talented breakdancers.
Nevertheless, I'm glad to sleep in my own bed again.

¡Adiós Barcelona!

Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

kreative work

I'm working on a big picture for the art lesson AND on my german project a "drama scenery in a shoebox".
I have to be finished next friday, therefore wish me luck so that I'll manage it.
Normally I like to do such tasks for school cos we don't do that very often.
However, now I'm under extreme time pressure.

Montag, 20. Juni 2011

Where can I buy henna powder?

And does anyone know how long they maintain?
Besides I found some more tattoo examples:

feather tattoo

Lately I was thinking 'bout having a tattoo when I'm grown-up.
To find the perfect spot on my body my mother will paint me a henna tattoo.
In my opinion, a tattoo should fit your personality and be something individual.
However it should as well follow some of your body lines, e.g. your collarbone.
The two symbols I like the most are the feather and the cross.
The feather is my first choice because it stands for elegance, smoothness and lightness and it looks so...
... I dont know... there are no words!!!
I don't know whether I take them both.
Here are some AWESOME examples:

Dienstag, 7. Juni 2011

He describes my current situation:

One of these nights

Let's just say my wallet ain't as fat as it's been in the past.
but my master plan is nearing phase two
and won't you and your friends be surprised
when the frying pan jumps into the fire
one of these nights.

- Spencer Bell -

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011


I'm learning for my spanish exam.
This is going to make my head smoke!
Did I mentioned that I learn languages by speaking?!
Writing exams doesn't help anyway :(
Someone else in exam stress? Would be nice to have some like minded.

Freitag, 20. Mai 2011 long as i can inspire and be inspired...

This is the Spencer Bell legacy project:

his music, lyrics and poems are very exceptional.


I'm ill today, so I couldn't go to school.
However some of my friends said they saw me in the break at school.
Maybe they installed a camera in my room...

Donnerstag, 19. Mai 2011

He's jealous...

Recently I found this @ Jacksons twitter:
...if you didn't knew it, now you do: I'm an official 100 monkeys fan with all my heart!

everything's new to me

I still try out some backgrounds.
If anybody likes it or has ideas for me, tell me!
My ears and eyes are wide wide open.


this is my new blog.
mmh. I guess at first I should give you a short introduction 'bout myself...
in three words: